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Questions & Answers:

What material is used to cover the Geri-Chair Head Positioner from Skil-Care?

The Geri-Chair Head Positioner from Skil-Care is covered with polyester, making it easy to launder.

How is the Geri-Chair Head Positioner from Skil-Care secured to the chair?

To secure the Geri-Chair Head Positioner from Skil-Care to the wheelchair, bring the straps behind the backrest after locating the desired position. Secure the buckle and pull the strap tight to prevent slippage.

What are the laundering guidelines for the Geri-Chair Head Positioner from Skil-Care?

To clean the cover on the Geri-Chair Head Positioner from Skil-Care, launder and dry at temperatures not exceeding 180°. Launder the cover only, do not launder the foam.

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